Re-purpose your exhibition stands to help create a covid safe environment for workers, visitors and customers.

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With the lack of live events, most companies have packed away their exhibition stands into storage. Those stands could be helping your company 'get back to work.'

As people return to using internal environments for work, leisure, education and health they will need to be:

  • Re-assured that the host is doing everything they can to keep people safe

  • Informed of what they need to do to stay safe

  • Guided around the facility in a safe way

Those modular display stands in storage are ideal to help your company create a safe internal environment for your staff, visitors and customers.
They are easy to:

  • Set-up - Less people on site

  • Keep Clean - Just wipe down

  • Re-message - As guidelines change

Each situation is likely to be a bit different in terms of the messaging and spatial requirements. A modular stand kit can be easily re-configured to create a specific structure, and bespoke graphics can be easily produced and replaced.

Here are some broad ideas to help your thinking:


Re-assurance station

People will need to feel re-assured that it is safe to enter a building and go about their business. Re-assurance can take both a physical dimension, like a sanitising station, and messaging about the things the host is doing in the background to ensure a safe environment: regular cleaning, social distancing, shift patterns, traffic flow...

A small pop-up stand and plinth can be used to create a welcome station where people entering the building can immediately sanitise their hands and learn about how the environment is being kept safe. Plus what is expected of the individual to help keep themselves and others safe. A video screen can be added to deliver key messages and an online address can point people to information they can carry with them on their devices.


Inform and direct safe practices on-site

Displays around the premises can be used to remind and instruct people how to safely behave on-site to minimise transmission risk, and what practices they should follow.


Guidance around a facility

The wide range of pop-up frame structures make it easy to create bespoke temporary dividing walls with guiding graphics to help safe traffic flow and distancing of people on-site.

Everyone's requirements are likely to be slightly different. Talk to your stand supplier, or us, about what you are trying to do around your facility and how you could re-purpose the stands you have in storage to help get your company 'back to work,' by creating a safe environment for your staff, visitors and customers.

About W7 Marketing Communications

As part of our marketing solutions we offer bespoke modular display solutions which are completely tailored to your own needs. We will be happy to discuss your specific requirements and provide a FREE, no obligation concept design and quote. Please contact Simon Baxter or click the button below for more information.